A handsome man named David Gustafson

People usually call me Gus. My name is David Gustafson, and I'm a UX Design and Research Manager living in Sydney, Australia. I most recently was leading a team of Researchers and Designers for Viator, a Tripadvisor company.

I have a Dip. in IT, a Dip. in Digital Media, and a Bachelor of Visual Arts, which I majored in Glass (more specifically: glass blowing). With these powers combined, I've ended up being a UX Design Leader who understands not only user needs, but can collaborate with Engineering, Product Management and all business units with a deep level of understanding of their needs.


People usually call me Gus. My name is David Gustafson, and I'm a UX Design and Research Manager living in Sydney, Australia. I lead a team of Researchers and Designers for Viator, a Tripadvisor company.


  • Bachelof of Visual Arts (Object Art and Design - Glass)
  • Dip. of Digital Media
  • Dip. of IT

Over the last decade, I've worked on projects for Viator and Tripadvisor, solving problems for travellers and suppliers of Tours and Experiences businesses around the world. I've also solved some big problems for Graincorp, and done a little teaching at Macleay College.

With these powers combined, I've ended up being a UX Design Leader who understands not only user needs, but can collaborate with Engineering, Product Management and all business units with a deep level of understanding of their needs. Before that, I worked at The White Agency (now WhiteGrey) working with the Commonwealth Bank, Caltex and more as a Technical Project Manager.

Other things I do

Although spare time is a rarity these days, here's a few things I spend my time doing:

  • Experimenting with sounds in Ableton 12 and trying to make something listenable
  • Running around after my two kids
  • Seeing as much live music as possible. Most recently: Air, Jungle, Fred Again (twice!), Queens of the Stone Age, NOFX, Caribou, & Tourist.
  • Lots of cooking when I'm not sick of cooking the same dishes every night for my kids! 😂

Want to get in touch?

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